Restaurant Social Media Search

Thursday, December 31, 2009

How Restaurants used Social Media in 2009

I asked Emerald Reilly, a senior marketing coordinator for social media services at FohBoh, to find a few current examples that define success. Emerald, always the over-achiever, found five worth sharing.

1. The Cheesecake Factory recently jumped on the Social Media bandwagon to promote their Reunion of a Lifetime Sweepstakes. They required people to become a fan of theirs on Facebook in order to enter. The winner would get to choose ten friends or family members to bring with on a trip to Las Vegas. Pam Naumes, CCF’s Manager of Web and Interactive Marketing, said Facebook was the perfect place to promote this sweepstakes “because people are there to connect with friends, family and loved ones.” (Information from CCF newsletter)

2. Domino's Pizza is utilizing social media to promote the brand new pizza recipe. They launched a new section on their website,, 'Oh Yes We Did', which chronicles Domino’s decision to revamp their recipes based on consumers comments. The site includes live feeds from Twitter and Facebook, sharing what consumers think of the new pizza. "Our inspired new pizza was driven so heavily by listening to our customers through social media, having that component be a part of our online marketing campaign seemed like a no-brainer," said Chris Brandon, their spokesperson. He says the site lets them show their customers that they are listening to their concerns. See smartbrief.

3. When Maggiano’s first began to use Twitter to engage with customers, they found a way to gain followers quickly. Michael Breed, senior marketing manager, sent out a tweet saying that if users began following @Maggianos by 5pm they’d be entered to win a $100 gift certificate. They gained 2,000 followers that day. See Chain Leader.

4. Erik Oberholtzer, co-owner of Tenders Greens, a fast casual, three-unit restaurant chain based in Los Angeles, began tweeting to increase awareness about his brand. After gaining followers by tweeting about daily specials and ingredients he finds at farmer’s markets, he was able to tell all his customers that the grand opening of their third restaurant would be delayed a day due to mishaps with a permit. “The benefit is getting a message out there and building a community,” he said. See Chainleader.

5. Bob Evans Restaurant’s digital marketing manager, Stephanie Busack uses social media as a platform for dialogue with fans and followers. She says it makes easy to monitor customer’s needs and what people are saying about their brand and service. One of the more successful initiatives they’ve had was the use of microsites for interactive games and sweepstakes. “These games dram in a large audience, most coming back an average of seven to eight times to play or register and interact with our brand,” said Busack. See Chainleader.

I love businesses cases and success stories. As the restaurant industry becomes more engaged, it will only get better in 2010.


  1. Looks amazing!!!! /I look forward to your feedback /thanks for this man it was very helpful.
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  2. This is great for ideas to use once I get my job after I graduate with an online hospitality management degree. Thanks!
